Valentines Day
anyway.. now to e post...
Its not one that you would expect I had.. (well that is unless you think im gay.and NO im not =P)
I spent it with the guys staying over at Wilsons house once again. Yup. I know. Now shutup im not gay.
Took 80 to Wilsons house with Gabriel, then waited there for the rest to arrive. Just after we settled in Wilson's room, Chris came in and slammed the door shut. Then proceeded to shout "GAY SEX LAR! Fell down the steps up to Wilsons room lar!"
Laughed like crazy, im nt sure why actually, maybe because he shouted "GAY SEX" without any link to what has actually happened.. Anyway..
Gabriel starts a weird dance, imitating a gay traffic policemen at an road intersection.
Chris looks at gabriel and tells him "WTH"
Upon spotting Chris lying seductively on the bean bag, he takes of his shirt and runs out of the room..
They play Winning 11 on xbox while waiting for perry to arrive.
Then we show Chris and Wilson the "frisking fail" video, which u can find here (turn up e volume, they speak a bit soft..)
Perry arrived and we called Dong to come down to play basketball with us.
Somehow, Wei Qi decided to tag along with us too, so we called Graeme to even the teams.
Met everyone at the basketball court, and finally met Wei Qi, or Dara, or Darrens Girlfriend. cool person, at least not those shy type..hahaha
Anyway, played bball, then gram was super wasted for some reason, then my turn to get super wasted, so i went into photography mode..
Gabriel shooting hoops.
The people that played, from the left: Gabriel (blocked), Jia Liang, Chris, Wilson, Dara, Graeme (foreground), Darren.
Wilson shooting hoops.
Darreb shooting hoops.
Chris shooting hoops. i screwed up there as i dint capture the point where the ball just leaves the hand..
Jia Liang shoots.
Tofu (wilson)
Gabriel licks the shooter.. ew.
Brought a wide angle lens this time, and produced some cool effect, tho i regretted not pressing the trigger down for a longer time as i missed quite a lot of good shots. Took a whooping 450 photos this time though, up from the usual 100 or less per day. (man i really pity those people still using the film format...)
The weather was really nice, and the angle of the sun and the colour was nice too, but unfortunately, i feel i wasn't able to capitalize on it enough.. So they carried on playing, then more people got wasted until there was only Darren and Chris left...
Dara launching the ball..
Totally sucking at bball, i aim at the basket, while the ball flies 45 degrees off target.. Nah jk, i just love to spout nonsense in my picture captions..
I dont know what theyre doing..
Wilson does the "inflatable arm failing tube men" thing..
Wilson thinks hes sexy..
Homo thinks hes sexier..
Nope, Gabriel thinks that the dude behind him is, in his own words " soooo Hawt!" *rolls his eyes about in ecstasy*
I love the sun, and yes, my poor eyes you say...
Everybodys Zonked.
But nooo.. Wilson is long..
Naw, not that long..
The guys keep saying that this look like the ad "please help children in africa" or something..hahahah
Wilson realises that i took an unglam photo of him..
Wei Qi sneaks around behind the guys..
erm, shit.. now i hate captioning photos.. cant think of funny things anymore...
Nice sun, nice sky, nice picture..
Wilson and Graeme gay $250 specs.. hahh'
Chris is thinking of the song "Macho Macho man..."
Then goes to sit on Gabriel..
i totally become excited...
Chris goes to gabriel...
Stands right infront of him and says... yeahhhhh.
He then goes on to grab Gabriel...
And then, after some intensive struggling, he produces some slippers... hmmmmm
After Bball, Graeme went home as his parents dint allow him to stay over, while Darren and Dara rushed home for some reason, Jia Liang and Perry (i think) went home, while the rest of us went back to wilsons house to bathe and wait for people to join us to go and watch Valkyrie at Plaza Sing.
Nice... (those black dots in the sky are dirt on my camera sensor.. too lazy to clean it anyway.. ahh it only comes up in pictures under certian settings.. so no worries)
Blue and cool. I just love the sky
Going home...
taken while walking home...
Had to take this pic quick as the owner of the house was getting suspicious..
Reached there, bought tickets, then tried to find a place to eat but the whole place was fullup. So we ended up eating some junk, then wasted time walking around somemore before we finally were allowed into the Movie theater.
On the train...
looking for a place to eat..
Eating junk food...
In the lift, perry and gab
Too free, posing for gab to take photos...
Wilson being a loner...
everybodys damn sian while we wait for the movie to open..
While i go up and down the escalators as im too free..
Theyre like where the hell are you going.. (to take photos lar!..)
And for some reason, since re-meeting up with darren after basketball, hes like constantly wasted... Now let the Wasted Dong Montage begin...
wasted, stealing wei qi's money as a form of entertainment...hahah
Lol, i mean like, compared to Dara hes like super super wasted la..hahah
ok back to e story...
Only after we were seated that we realise that we were missing Jia Liang. Chris went out to get Jia Liang and then we realised another thing, we bought 1 less ticket. Somebody miscounted the number of people in our group! We decided to squeeze to allow 1 more person into our row, but Jia Liang, being the guai type, decided not to "cheat" (i think he also had guitar cca tmr and had to go home early as the show ended at 12).
Poor him lah! I felt really sorry for him then, and im sure the rest of us felt bad too.
Well, i hope we can make up to him again.. probably with a gay bday bash.. nah jk.
The show was good, its quite slow moving, but the tension builds steadily towards the end. I like these type of shows.. unlike those stupid shooting shows (ect transporter) which only shows shooting and no plot or "real" characters at all.
I guess the show was good, but i guess it could have been better? i feel the characters in the show did not really have a real personality, or a distinct enough one. blah blah.. what do i know.. i rarely go to the movies anyway.
So like 8 bucks flies out of my pocket and a further 2 bucks for transportation. Darn.
Yup, so we took the last train home and walked home. and on the way out of the train station.......
On the last train...
well... i dont know. i guess u can say he likes to streak.. just like me.. (chris if u want me take this down pls tell meh.. Hhahaahah)
So said goodbye to Darren, then reached wilsons house and they played left 4 dead, but unfortunatly only 2 comps can run it.. as wilsons comp suck BIG TIME.
Trying to play left 4 dead on wilsons lousy computer..
playing cards..
Chris fail in molesting..
Chris fail in flashing...
im totally wasted..
abstract wilsons guitar..
Similar shot..
Then we played cards, said random things, then went to sleep at 5am.
Woke up at 10+, wasted more time, before finally going home to sort the photos and stuff.
playing left 4 dead in the morning...
Every Picture you see here is taken by my wide angle lens, with no distortion correction done at all. Yes dont confuse fisheye lens with wide angle lens..
Garr.. Total time taken to import photos, sort photos, edit and delete photos, write up a blog, post pictures, link pictures to blog, and caption them = 3+++ hours.. phew..
Oh yea, anyone knows how to create flash pictures and post them on blogs.. cuz i have lots of "movement" photos that require it to be "animated" to understand the photo..
And also, thx people who toyed with my camera while im not interested in photographing contributed some useful shots in storytelling..
And i have yet again run the limit of my new flickr account.. crap
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