Down that secluded path
The weather have not been kind to me these few days, constantly threatening to rain if i cycled to east coast to try out my new toys. So to make this lack of content more bearable, i'll recount my exploration of various places while i was still new to the camera.
So here we go, back into 2008, where it was my second time out (i think) with my camera..
This was also the second time we (me and Daniel) tried to reach the marina barrage from the other side, marina east, while the marina barrage was still closed to public. Long story short, we were stopped. (we were also stopped the first time)
Anyway, the trip was interesting because it was "challenging" (we had to climb over a fence, walk across a thin plank, climb over a thick (with many branches) fallen tree, and try not to fall into the water at the same time). Interesting, as it was a new and secluded place, but not really worth our time, picture wise.
flower taken on the way to the barrage..
Some mushrooms growing on the dead tree..
A really common flower in Singapore, picture uncropped but background darkened.
We were 300m from the barrage when we were stopped by some construction workers.
Anyway, we turned back and found another path, though this did not lead to the coast, instead led deeper into i dont know where. Very nice place, though small, but it resembles a scene that would be found in other countries, not in singapore. The path ended when thick bushes blocked our path, and the surroundings were actually really shallow swamps.
Took a few photos and pictures of flowers, these were the best. (most were spoilt by flare, overexposure of the sky as it was getting late, and my inexperience)
Down the path..
A small clearing, shame for the overexposed sky. Our bikes on the path in the distance, the flowers in the next pictures are taken to the left of this picture.
One of the flowers there that was close enough so that i did not have to step into water..
After this, we slowly cycled back out and if i can remember correctly, it was the same day that Daniel promptly went to the bridge to beg for money - lol
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